A gadget is a smallgadget - Definition from Dictionary.com tool such as a machine that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a novelty.
gadgetとは意味:gadget n. (ちょっとした)機械装置, 器具. 【+動詞】 ◆What does this gadget do? この器具はどんな働きをするのですか. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆a clever gadget for keeping coins in コインを入れておくための気のきいた道具 ◆an electrical gadget for opening a garage door 車庫の入...gadget meaning: Noun: gadget gajit A device or control that is very useful for a particular job - appliance , contraption , contrivance , convenience , gizmo , gismo , widget Derived fo...gadget en francais:n. gadget, instrument; invention; accessoire; brevet d'inventiongadget artinya:perkakasgadget 뜻:noun, (기계의)부속품, 간단(편리)한 장치, 묘안gadget перевод:1) _разг. (новое) приспособление или устройство; техническая новинка