foeとは意味:foe n. 《文語》 敵, 敵兵. 【動詞+】 ◆disarm a foe 敵の武器を取りあげる, 敵を無力にする ◆face a foe 敵に立ち向かう ◆honor a brave foe 勇ましい敵に敬意を表する ◆He met a deadly foe. 不倶戴天の敵に遭遇した ◆overwhelm one's foe 敵を圧倒する ◆They steadily pushed the f...foe meaning: Noun: foe fow An armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force) - enemy , foeman [archaic], opposition A personal enemy "they had been ...foe en francais:n. ennemi, adversaire; rival; opposantfoe artinya:lawanfoe 뜻:phrase, Friends of the Earth 지구의 벗(국제 환경보호 단체) foe n, 적, 원수, 적군, (경기 등의)상대foe перевод:1) враг, недруг Ex: sworn foe заклятый враг Ex: to be a foe to smth. быть противником чего-л. Ex: a political foe of long standing давний политический противник 2) _собир. враждебные силы _Id: our...