If this be not a farcical adventure! after all that i said, i have forgotten my glasses . 要是这不是可笑的奇事,那才怪呢!我说了那么多,结果我仍旧忘了我的眼镜。
He stopped short and , assuming an air of farcical solemnity , announced 于是,他突然收住话头,露出一副丑角的郑重神态,说道:
He was far too disinterested to be personally entertained by the farcical scenes in which he figured as a bantering husband 由他自己扮演嘲弄人的丈夫这种角色,仅仅为了给自己取乐,实在毫无意思。
Is not so much to give up , it is better to remove that , because i think that those so - called dream now change is so farcical 与其说是放弃,倒不如说剔除,因为我觉得那些所谓的梦想现在变的是如此滑稽可笑。
However , sadly to say , the quality of the jokes doesn t seem to perfectly serve its purpose . most of the gags are either too farcical or prolonged 可惜电影的剧本明显不及大精彩,讽刺亦未见一针见血,而是以胡闹和情色为主。