The software can not only save the time and energy of designers , but also reduce factitiously mistake of design or drawing , speed up the proceeding o 不仅可以节省设计人员的时间和精力,而且能够减少工程设计及绘图中的人为错误、缩短工程周期,对生产实际具有重要的实用价值。
This coupling action between the rheology of soil and the dissipation of excess pore pressure demonstrates that it is not reasonable to factitiously divide the process of consolidation into two independent ones , i . e . primary consolidation and secondary consolidation 这种耦合作用说明了把固结过程人为地划分成主固结和次固结两个相对独立的过程是欠合理的。
But the information headstream of public health ? the institutions in villages or towns , have been adopting the traditional method , however , this method ’ s period is too long , and the information is easily disturbed factitiously 但是,在疫情报告、疾病监测的主要数据源头? ?乡镇医疗卫生机构,仍然实行旬、月报和逐级统计的传统报告制度,不仅报告周期长,且容易发生人为干预现象。
The largest advantage of quality information system based on internet lies on quality information that is replaced on internet . transferring quality information on internet will overcome interruption on quality information transferring in the man - made quality information system factitiously , make quality information flow faster among the relative departments , support reliable clue to work or make a decision for all of personnel on time in enterprise , and heighten enterprise ' s productivity very effectively 基于internet的质量信息系统的最大优点在于质量信息网络化,通过网络传输质量信息,克服了人工质量信息系统中人为地对质量信息传输的干扰,加速了质量信息在各相关部门之间的流动,给企业各层人员的生产或决策提供了及时可靠的依据,有效地提高了企业的生产效率。