Its two great engines for enriching the country, therefore, were restraints upon importation, and encouragements to exportation . 因此,使国家致富的两大手段就是限制输入和奖励输出。
The attention of government was turned away from guarding against the exportation of gold and silver, to watch over the balance of trade . 政府的注意力,从对金银输出的监视转到对贸易差额的监视。
The parties concerned have replied, that their trade, by this continual exportation of silver, might, indeed, tend to impoverish europe in general . 有关的方面回答说,由于这种不断地输出白银,他们的贸易一般说来可能使欧洲陷于贫困。
High capacity the wave is low to lose the true exportation 高容量滤波低失真输出
Independence exportation of real six wayses 真正六声道独立进口大功率输出管
exportationとは意味:exportation n. 《文語》 輸出. 【前置詞+】 ◆an embargo on the exportation of foodstuffs 食料品の輸出禁止. 【+前置詞】 ◆the exportation of wheat to Japan 日本への小麦の輸出 ◆They are made in great quantities for exportation to the West...exportation meaning: Noun: exportation `ekspor'teyshun Commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country - export The commercial activity of selling and shipping goods to a foreign cou...exportation en francais:n. exportationexportation artinya:pengeksporanexportation 뜻:noun, 수출, 수출품exportation перевод:1) вывоз. экспортирование 2) _ам. предмет вывоза