Section two : comparison on excogitation for institution between continental law legal system and anglo ? american law legal part one : despite the different theory , both continental law legal system and anglo ? american law legal system have common in sourcing of responsibility for indemnity for affiance benefits 在篇章结构安排上,论文共分为三个部分。第一部分:信赖利益损害赔偿理论的产生及演进。论述了大陆法系和英美法系信赖利益及其损害赔偿理论的产生及发展。
excogitationとは意味:ex?còg? i?tá?tion n. 【名】 excogitation meaning: Noun: excogitation Thinking something out with care in order to achieve complete understanding of it The creation of something in the mind - invention , innovation , conception , des...excogitation en francais:n. invention; conception; étude, examinationexcogitation artinya:reka bentukexcogitation 뜻:noun,excogitation перевод:1) _книж. выдумывание, придумывание; _неодобр. тж. измышление, вымысел