The growth of these bars is limited by the depth at which waves will plunge and prevent further sand encroachment . 这些砂洲的生长仅限于波浪能冲进的深度,并且阻挡了外边砂质物的进入。
There has been much public discussion in recent years about the united states running out of farmland because of urban encroachment . 近年来常常有关于城市扩展而使美国农田减少的公众讨论。
Iran's role in western strategy was to pose a barrier to soviet encroachment that could not be surmounted short of all-out invasion . 伊朗在西方战略中的作用是对苏联的侵犯构成一道屏障,除非全力入侵,否则无法逾越。
The granulomatous lesions, regardless of location, result in enlargement of the part and often encroachment on adjacent tubular of cavernous structures . 在不引人注意的部位,肉芽肿的损害导致局部肿大,并往往侵害邻近的管状或腔状结构。
On the identification and punishment of copy - right encroachment 侵害著作权行为认定及惩处探讨
encroachmentとは意味:encroachment n. 侵入, 侵害; 浸食. 【+前置詞】 ◆Soviet encroachment in the Middle East ソビエトの中東への侵入 ◆China's encroachment into Tibet 中国のチベットへの侵入 ◆the encroachment of the sea upon the land 海による陸地の浸食 ◆encroachments ...encroachment meaning: Noun: encroachment en'krowchmunt Any entry into an area not previously occupied - invasion , intrusion Entry to another's property without right or permission - trespas...encroachment en francais:n. empiétementencroachment artinya:pelanggaranencroachment 뜻:noun, 잠식, 침략, 침해, 침식지, 침략지encroachment перевод:1) вторжение; (постепенный) захват Ex: encroachment on our territory вторжение на нашу территорию 2) посягательство Ex: criminal encroachment _юр. преступное посягательство Ex: encroachment on (up...