685 explores concepts in electromechanics , using electric machinery as examples 685利用数个电动机为例子,探索电机机械的原理。
Technical fields : patent application involving the fields of mechanical engineering , electromechanics , electronics and computer ; patent review and invalidation 擅长业务:机械机电电子计算机专利复审与无效代理
Give priority to electric power , shiping building , metallurgy , building materials , petrochemical industry , electromechanics , aquatic products processing , etc 重点发展电力、船舶修造、冶金、建材、石化、机电、水产品加工等产业。
Loncin group annexed shanlu automatic factory , zhongda group controlled zhongwei buses factory . shuguang group recombined huanghe automobile co . , ltd . reform includes lots of industries such as electrical appliance , automobile , service industry , electromechanics 至2003年该产品累计已销售近500辆,销售收入达2亿多元,目前亚星奔驰又接到山东江苏上海等运输企业订单近百台。
Our electronic technological development organizing devoted to the whole solution of the electronic product and suffused with household appliances , function type electric apparatus , electromechanics products equipment , etc . we offer the whole procedure service for industrial manufacturer 我机构形成系统化成熟化的电子设计成果,这些技术可以直接的形成产品,可以采取多种方式和工业厂商以及投资商进行合作。
In engineering, electromechanics combines electrical and mechanical processes. Mechanical engineering in this context refers to the larger discipline which includes chemical engineering, and other related disciplines.