In chapter 7 , we discuss some materials about the design and implementation of our motion editing system - eidolon 第七章介绍了运动编辑系统eidolon的设计与实现方面的一些内容。
( 4 ) a motion editing prototype system called eidolon is developed . in this prototype system , many character animation and motion editing algorithms are implemented ( 4 )开发了一个运动编辑原型系统eidolon ,实现了许多角色动画和运动编辑算法。
What the weapon show is the spirit of art the murderous look of fight against enemy . the justice and the evil influence only come from the eidolon of world ~ ~ ~ human being 兵器所展示出的是艺术的神韵与临敌的杀气,正气与邪气只能来自与万物之精灵~ ~ ~人。
Creative 3d cartoon movies < < eidolon century > > , as a landmark of china cartoon industry , combined advance cartoon industrialization and excellent media promotion activities , will be expected fervidly by vast audience and related enterprise 里程碑式的原创3d卡通巨片《精灵世纪》 ,加上先进成熟的产业化思想,再加上全面娴熟的媒体推广运作,当然值得广大观众和儿童产品企业的热切期待!
After introducing some backgrounds and the state of art of motion editing and motion synthesis , we introduce some basic operations of motion editing and show implementation results in eidolon . chapter 3 describes inverse kinematics , and two real time algorithms : ccd and jacobian transpose are discussed in detail . in chapter 4 , we introduce the principle of multiple level b - spline , and motion path editing is achieved with such spline 在介绍了运动编辑和合成的一些背景知识和研究现状后,本文第二章概述了运动编辑的一些基本操作并给出了在eidolon中的实现结果;第三章介绍了逆向运动学算法,着重讲述了两个具有实时性的算法:循环坐标下降法和雅克比转置法;第四章详细介绍了多层次b样条原理和用其进行运动路径编辑的方法。