The immortality to which i look, and which my faith doth promise to me, shall be free from the bonds that here must tie my spirit down . 我希望的不朽,我向往的不朽,是摆脱了尘世间的精神桎梏的不朽。
A little body doth often harbour a great soul 伟大的心灵常寓于矮小的身躯之中
He that doth most at once doth least 越想一次做完最多,越是做得最少. /欲速则不达
This is the place ; there , where the torch doth burn 就是这儿,那火把亮着的地方。
What care i what curious eye doth quote deformities 再给我拿一个面具来把它罩住吧。