Very high dosages will cause necrotic lesions on both sides of the leaf . 高剂量将使叶子两面坏死皱缩。
Increased coagulant dosage results in greater sludge yield for ultimate disposal . 增加凝聚剂用量会增大最后处理的污泥量。
The names, chemical structures, dosage forms, and usual clinical doses of these and other drugs of the same class are given in table 7-3 . 这些药物以及同类的另外一些药物的名称、化学结构、剂型和临床常用剂量见表7-3。
Only in lucky special cases would both the inflation and the payments deficits get solved by one and the same dosage of demand restriction . 只是在某些侥幸的特殊情况下,才能用同样一张限制需求的处方来解决通货膨涨和收支逆差这两个难题。
Study on aidant grinding dosage for iron minerals 铁矿石助磨剂及其作用机理的探讨
dosageとは意味:dosage n. (投薬 1 回分の)服用量. 【動詞+】 ◆exceed the recommended dosage 勧められた服用量以上の薬を飲む ◆give a sick person the prescribed dosage of… 病人に指示された…の服用量を与える ◆increase dosage 服用量をふやす. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆What would be an appr...dosage meaning: Noun: dosage dowsij The quantity of an active agent (substance or radiation) taken in or absorbed at any one time - dose A measured portion of medicine taken at any one ti...dosage en francais:n. dosage, posologiedosage artinya:dosisdosage 뜻:noun, 투약, 조제, 약의 복용량(X선방사 등의)적응량, 포도주의 품질개량을 위한 당밀, 브랜디 따위의 첨가, 주어진 분량dosage перевод:1) дозировка 2) доза Ex: dosage meter _физ. дозиметр 3) _спец. дозировка, доливка (шампанского)