Diving is the sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard, sometimes while performing acrobatics. Diving is an internationally-recognized sport that is part of the Olympic Games.
divingとは意味:diving ダイヴィング 潜り もぐり 潜水 せんすい ダイビング diving meaning: Noun: diving dIving An athletic competition that involves diving into water - diving event A headlong plunge into water - dive Verb: dive (dived, also dove) ...diving en francais:n. plongéediving artinya:menyelamdiving 뜻:adjective, 잠수의, 잠수업, 다이빙diving перевод:1) ныряние; прыжки в воду Ex: long diving _спорт. ныряние в длину Ex: head first diving _спорт. ныряние головой вперед Ex: diving championship чемпионат по прыжкам в воду Ex: diving pond бассейн д...