All trees except palms are dicotyledons . 除了棕榈树,所有的树都是双子叶植物。
The dicotyledons diverged at an early stage of their evolution into two main groups . 双子叶植物在演化的早期阶段就已分化为两大支派。
Dicotyledons usually show a netlike arrangement whereas monocotyledons generally show a parallel distribution of vein 双子叶植物主要为网状脉,而单子叶植物主要为平行脉。
Astrosclereid an irregularly branched sclereid found in the messophyll of leaves of certain dicotyledons 星状石细胞:在一些双子叶植物的叶肉细胞中发现的一种不规则的分枝状的石细胞。
A clearly defined endodermis is seen in all roots and in the stems of the non seed - bearing vascular plants and some dicotyledons 所有不产生种子的维管植物和一些双子叶植物的茎中都可以清楚的显示出这一结构。