destructionとは意味:destruction n. 破滅, 破壊. 【動詞+】 ◆attempt the destruction of… …を破壊しようとする ◆We avoided destruction by a hair's breadth. 私たちは間一髪破滅を回避した ◆bring destruction upon oneself 自滅する ◆Mankind can now carry out the des...destruction meaning: Noun: destruction di'strúkshun The termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists - devastation An event (or the r...destruction en francais:n. destruction, anéantissementdestruction artinya:kehancurandestruction 뜻:noun, 파괴, 멸망destruction перевод:1) разрушение, уничтожение Ex: destruction fire _воен. огонь на разрушение (уничтожение) Ex: destruction by fire (caused by fire) разрушения, причиненные пожаром Ex: war means death and destruction...