

[ di'libərətli ] 发音:   用"deliberately"造句


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  1. He deliberately made things difficult for me .
  2. She had deliberately shifted our relations .
  3. They did that on purpose and deliberately .
  4. You have deliberately acted against my wishes .
  5. He had deliberately made his voice harsh .


  1. with intention; in an intentional manner; "he used that word intentionally"; "I did this by choice"
    同义词:intentionally, designedly, on purpose, purposely, advisedly, by choice, by design, intentionally, designedly, on purpose, purposely, advisedly, by choice, by design
  2. in a deliberate unhurried manner; "she was working deliberately"
    同义词:measuredly, measuredly
  3. with intention; in an intentional manner; "he used that word intentionally"; "I did this by choice"
    同义词:intentionally, designedly, on purpose, purposely, advisedly, by choice, by design, intentionally, designedly, on purpose, purposely, advisedly, by choice, by design
  4. in a deliberate unhurried manner; "she was working deliberately"
    同义词:measuredly, measuredly



        deliberatelyとは意味:deliberately 好んで このんで 殊更 ことさら 意識的 いしきてき じっくり
        deliberately meaning: Adverb: deliberately    du'liburutlee With intention; in an intentional manner - intentionally , designedly , on purpose , purposely , advisedly , by choice , by design  ...
        deliberately en francaisadv. de propos délibéré, à dessein; avec intention, exprès
        deliberately artinya:dengan bebas
        deliberately 뜻:adverb, 신중히, 고의로, 일부러, 찬찬히, 유유히
        deliberately перевод:1) преднамеренно, умышленно, сознательно, нарочно Ex: you are deliberately misunderstanding me вы умышленно не хотите меня понимать (понять) 2) обдуманно; осторожно, осмотрительно Ex: to answer del...


  1. deliberate testing 什么意思
  2. deliberate type 什么意思
  3. deliberate upon 什么意思
  4. deliberate use of the bottom of pool 什么意思
  5. deliberate with sb over sth 什么意思
  6. deliberately break the law 什么意思
  7. deliberately concealed willfully conceal 什么意思
  8. deliberately deceive 什么意思
  9. deliberately deliberately 什么意思
  10. deliberately distort 什么意思


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