Cud is a portion of food that returns from a ruminant's stomach in the mouth to be chewed for the second time. More accurately, it is a bolus of semi-degraded food regurgitated from the reticulorumen of a ruminant.
cud meaning: Noun: cud kúd Food of a ruminant regurgitated to be chewed again - rechewed food A wad of something chewable as tobacco - chew , chaw , quid , plug , wad Derived ...cud en francais:n. bol alimentaire (d'un ruminant)cud artinya:kunyahancud 뜻:noun, 새김질감(반추 동물이 제1위에서 입으로 게워 내어 씹는 음식물), 씹는 담배의 한 조각cud перевод:1) жвачка Ex: to chew the cud жевать жвачку; пережевывать старое; размышлять