it remains in solution and does not crystalize out except in very dry conditions . 它仍留在溶液中,只有在非常干的条件下才结晶出来。
a kind of crystalized sulfate of aluminium, water soluatable and a good astrigent; widely used in deodorant products . can mixed with grapefruit extract, glycerin and demineralized water to make toners 是一种铝盐成、无色无味的晶状物质,可溶于水中,具有很好的收敛及止血功能,也具止汗功能,很多止汗剂也会添加明矾的成分.可加入葡萄柚萃取液、甘油、纯水做收?水。
crystalize meaning: Verb: crystalize Make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear - clear , clear up , shed light on , crystallize , crystallise [Brit], crystalise [Brit], straighten out ,...crystalize en francais:v. cristalliser; se cristallisercrystalize artinya:membentuk krital