crapperとは意味:{名-1} : 〈米俗?卑〉トイレ I need to go to the crapper. トイレに行きたい。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 〈米俗?卑〉うそつき crapper meaning: Noun: crapper A plumbing fixture for defecation and urination - toilet , can [N. Amer], commode , pot , potty , stool , throne Derived forms: crappers Type of: plumbing fi...crapper artinya:toiletcrapper перевод:n AmE vulg sl 1) Who can tell me where's the crapper around here? — Кто мне скажет, где здесь сортир? 2) The guy is a crapper and can't be trusted at all — Ему нель...