something regarded as a normative example; "the convention of not naming the main character"; "violence is the rule not the exception"; "his formula for impressing visitors" 同义词:normal, pattern, rule, formula
conventionとは意味:convention n. 会議, 大会; 協定; 慣例, 慣習, 因襲; 約束. 【動詞+】 ◆abandon outmoded conventions 時代遅れの慣例を捨てる ◆address a convention 大会で演説をする ◆Several countries have adopted this convention on the status of refugees. 数か国が...convention meaning: Noun: convention kun'venshun A large formal assembly "political convention" Something regarded as a normative example "the convention of not naming the m...convention en francais:n. convention; accord, contrat, usage; convenances; assemblée, congrèsconvention artinya:adatconvention 뜻:집회, (정치.종교.교육.노조등의)대표자 대회, 연차(정기)총회, (집합적)대회 참가자, (전국.주.군등의)전당 대회, 컨벤션(1660년과 1688년에 국와의 소집없이 열린 영국의 의회), 약정, 약조(agreement), 국제협정, 협약, 가조약, (예술상의)관례, 약속 사항, (카드)규정convention перевод:1) собрание, съезд Ex: teachers' convention съезд учителей 2) _ам. партийный съезд для выдвижения кандидатов на выборные должности; Ex: the Democratic C. съезд демократической партии 3) _ист. конв...