contemplateとは意味:contemplate v. じっくり考える; もくろむ. 【副詞1】 ◆calmly contemplate one's alternatives 取るべき道を静かに考える ◆happily contemplate the prospect of a few days off 数日の休暇をもてることを楽しく思う ◆more expensive than originally contemplat...contemplate meaning: Verb: contemplate 'kóntum`pleyt Look at thoughtfully; observe deep in thought "contemplate one's navel" Consider as a possibility "I contemplated leaving...contemplate en francais:v. contempler; réfléchir, prévoir, envisagercontemplate artinya:memikirkancontemplate 뜻:vt, adverb, 응시하다, 정관하다, 심사숙고하다, 잘생각하다, (think about), 묵상하다, 예기(예상)하다, 기도하다, ...하려고생각하다(intend), 정관하다, 묵상하다(meditate), (종교적으로)명상하다, -platinglycontemplate перевод:1) созерцать, пристально рассматривать Ex: she stood contemplating herself in the mirror она стояла, пристально рассматривая себя в зеркале Ex: the old man contemplated the past старик мысленно возв...