The comma is a punctuation mark, and it appears in several variants in various languages. It has the same shape as an apostrophe or single closing quotation mark in many typefaces, but it differs from them in being placed on the baseline of the text.
commaとは意味:comma n. コンマ. 【動詞+】 ◆insert a comma コンマを挿入する ◆Place a comma before the relative pronoun if it is a non-defining clause. 関係代名詞が非制限節を導く場合は, その前にコンマを置きなさい. comma meaning: Noun: comma kómu A punctuation mark (,) used to indicate the separation of elements within the grammatical structure of a sentence Anglewing butterfly with a comma-shaped mar...comma en francais:n. virgulecomma artinya:tanda komacomma 뜻:noun, 콤마, 소음정comma перевод:1) запятая; Ex: inverted commas кавычки 2) _муз. комма