It was hard to tell his age closely, even though he had switched on his cockpit lights . 虽说此时他已把后舵舱的几盏灯全打开了,但说准他的年纪仍很难。
The thin frigid air swept cigarette smoke and stale machine smells from the heated cockpit . 稀薄而凛到的空气把燠热的座舱里的香烟烟雾和隔宿的机油气味吹掉了。
Young tom brought the platter of yellowtail, yellow and white grunts, and rock hind up into the cockpit . 小汤姆托着这一大盘黄尾鱼、黄白石鲈鱼和岩石斑鱼回到舵舱。
Eddy came up into the cockpit with the pot full of potatoes in one hand and his knife in the other . 埃迪一手捧着满满一盆土豆,另一只手还拿着他那把刀,来到后舵舱里。
The flight simulator is a device that creates the illusion of flight to a certain extent for pilot seated in its cockpit . 飞行模拟器是一种给坐在它的座舱里的驾驶员带来一定程度的飞行感觉之装置。
A cockpit or flight deck is the area, usually near the front of an aircraft, from which a pilot controls the aircraft. Most modern cockpits are enclosed, except on some small aircraft, and cockpits on large airliners are also physically separated from the cabin.
cockpitとは意味:cockpit n. (飛行機などの)操縦席, コックピット. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆an enclosed cockpit 囲われた操縦席 ◆The early airplanes had open cockpits. 初期の飛行機の操縦席は無蓋だった ◆The astronauts emerged from the shuttle cockpit. 宇宙飛行士たちはスペースシャトルの操縦席から...cockpit meaning: Noun: cockpit 'kók`pit Compartment where the pilot sits while flying the aircraft A pit for cockfights Seat where the driver sits while driving a racing car Derived f...cockpit en francais:n. poste du pilote, carlinguecockpit artinya:kokpitcockpit 뜻:noun, (비행기.우주선 등의)조종석(실), 투계장, 투기장, 전란의 터, (구식 군합의)최하 갑판 후부의 사관실(전시에는 부상병을 수용)cockpit перевод:1) арена для петушиных боев 2) арена борьбы Ex: the cockpit of Europe _ист. Бельгия (как арена борьбы европейских держав) 3) _мор. кубрик; кокпит 4) _ав. открытая кабина 5) _авт. открытый кузов (...