vt. (clothed, 〔古语〕 clad; clothed, clad; clothing) 1.给…穿衣,给…衣服,把衣服穿(在身上);使披上,覆盖上。 2.(用语言)表现(思想等)。 3.使蒙受(耻辱) (with; in)。 4.赋与…以(权力、特性等)。 短语和例子 clothe one's family 使全家人有衣服穿。 fields clothed with trees 树木蔽野。 be clothe with shame 受辱,蒙耻。 be clothed [clad] in rags 穿着破烂衣裳。 trees clothed in fresh leaves [with verdure] 长满了嫩叶的树木。vi. 穿衣服。
clotheとは意味:clothe v. (~d, clad) …に(衣服を)着せる, 装う; おおう, つつむ; …に(権力 光栄などを)与える. 【副詞1】 ◆A woman can adequately clothe herself on $… a year. 女性は衣服代として年…ドルあれば十分間に合う ◆I was not appropriately clothed for the occasion. その場...clothe meaning: Verb: clothe (clothed, also clad) klowdh Provide with clothes or put clothes on - dress , enclothe , garb , raiment [archaic], tog , garment , habilitate [archa...clothe en francais:v. vêtir, habiller; couvrirclothe artinya:memakai (baju)clothe 뜻:vt, 의복을 몸에 걸치다, 입다, 의복을지급하다, 덮다, 싸다, 입히다, (언어로)표현하다, (권력.영광 등을)부여하다clothe перевод:1) одевать Ex: to clothe one's family обеспечивать семью одеждой Ex: to clothe oneself одеваться Ex: he clothed himself in his best он оделся во все лучшее 2) покрывать Ex: spring clothed the ear...