

发音:   用"choler"造句
  • n.
  • cholera:    n. 【医学】霍乱。 Asiatic [epidemic, malignant] cholera 亚洲[传染性、恶性]霍乱。 cholera morbus 〔拉丁语〕 急性胃肠炎。 European [English, bilious, summer] cholera 欧洲[非传染性,假性]霍乱。
  • cholepyrrhin:    胆桔黄素
  • cholera agar:    霍乱琼脂
  • cholepyretic insomnia:    胆实多卧,胆火不得卧
  • cholera and typhoid combined vaccine:    霍乱伤寒混合菌苗


  1. I felt quite amused at his unwarranted choler .
  2. I recognised his decisive nose , more remarkable for character than beauty ; his full nostrils , denoting , i thought , choler ; his grim mouth , chin , and jaw - yes , all three were very grim , and no mistake
  3. The game introduce : the little evil female ' s look in the eyes seem to be very not friendly , the little evil female of the choler is grasp by us to be model certainly be very not happy , relate to , be very beautiful what she dress up she will become lovely
  4. It was now for more than the middle span of our allotted years that he had passed through the thousand vicissitudes of existence and , being of a wary ascendancy and self a man of a rare forecast , he had enjoined his heart to repress all motions of a rising choler and , by intercepting them with the readiest precaution , foster within his breast that plenitude of sufferance which base minds jeer at , rash judgers scorn and all find tolerable and but tolerable
    布卢姆已过人生之半途190 ,历尽沧桑,系一谨慎民族之后裔,生就稀有的先见之明,遂抑制心中所冒怒气,最迅速慎重地克制住感情,告诫自己胸中要怀一“忍”字。心地卑鄙者对此加以嘲笑,性急之判断者藐视之,然而众人咸认为此乃稳妥之举。


  1. a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the liver and to cause irritability and anger
    同义词:yellow bile
  2. a strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance
    同义词:anger, ire
  3. an irritable petulant feeling
    同义词:irritability, crossness, fretfulness, fussiness, peevishness, petulance



        cholerとは意味:{名-1} : 〈古〉不機嫌{ふきげん}、短気{たんき} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 〈古〉黄胆汁{おう たんじゅう}◆中世に気質を決定すると考えられた4分泌物の一つで、かんしゃく質に引き起こすとされたもの。◆【同】yellow bile ----...
        choler meaning: Noun: choler    kólu(r) An irritable petulant feeling - irritability , crossness , fretfulness , fussiness , peevishness , petulance   A strong emotion; a feeling that is ...
        choler en francaisn. colère
        choler artinya:gusar
        choler 뜻:noun, 성마름, 부뚱이, 담즙(네 가지 체액중의 하나)
        choler перевод:1) _уст. желчь 2) _уст. желчность 3) _книж. гнев; дурной характер


  1. choleperitonitis 什么意思
  2. cholepolesis 什么意思
  3. choleprasin 什么意思
  4. cholepyretic insomnia 什么意思
  5. cholepyrrhin 什么意思
  6. cholera 什么意思
  7. cholera agar 什么意思
  8. cholera and typhoid combined vaccine 什么意思
  9. cholera asiatica 什么意思
  10. cholera avium 什么意思


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