Or was the vault under the chancel of gateshead church an inviting bourne 或者,盖茨黑德教堂圣坛底下的墓穴是个令人向往的归宿吗?
The coffin lay on its bier before the chancel , four tall yellow candles at its corners 棺材停放在圣坛前的柩架上,四个角各点燃一支高高的黄蜡烛。
Hearing a cautious step behind me , i glanced over my shoulder : one of the strangers - a gentleman , evidently - was advancing up the chancel 我听见身后响起了小心翼翼的脚步声,便回头看了一眼,只见陌生人中的一位显然是位绅士正走向圣坛。
Besides the probate , large fees are demanded for burying him in the chancel ; his virtues are handed down to posterity on taxed marble ; and he is then gathered to his fathers to be taxed no more 除了遗嘱,埋葬他还要高额的费用,他的遗言被刻在交了税的石碑上留传后世;这之后,他终于可以和他的祖辈们相聚,终于可以不用再交任何税了。
The venue for their activity in memory of baogong in singapore is called " the chancel of heaven " , where a baogong temple was built . when the temple was completed last june , they invited experts from the henan university in kaifeng to attend the inauguration ceremony 他们在坛内修建了包公庙,印制了天圣坛与包公的书刊,去年6月包公庙落成时,还邀请开封市河南大学的专家前去参加典礼。
In church architecture, the chancel is the space around the altar in the sanctuary at the liturgical east end of a traditional Christian church building. It may terminate in an apse.
chancelとは意味:{人名} : シャンセル chancel meaning: Noun: chancel chãnsul Area around the altar of a church for the clergy and choir; often enclosed by a lattice or railing - sanctuary , bema Derived forms: chancels Type of...chancel en francais:n. choeur (d'une église)chancel artinya:ruangan bagian timur gerejachancel 뜻:noun, 성단소(교회당의 성가대와 성직자의 자리, 대개 동쪽 )chancel перевод:1) _церк. алтарь; Ex: chancel table престол