Pasteurellosis denotes an infectious disease in which the microorgunisms pasteurella multocida or pasteurella hemolytyca are causally involved . 巴氏杆菌病是病原涉及多杀性巴氏杆菌或溶血性巴氏杆菌的一种传染病。
Everyone knows his / her own defect , but who can face it causally ? who have courage to confess it 每个人都知道自己的不足,但谁能轻松去面对?谁能勇敢去承认?
In the domain of story understanding , where default causal chains are used for filling in the gaps between isolated sentences of a simple story to make the story causally well - connected , in turn provides evidence for the computational approach 例如在故事理解领域中,通过默认因果链来填补故事中孤立句子之间的间隙,从而使得此故事有一个很容易被理解的因果链。
The vaccine can be given on the same day as other types of vaccines . as it is unknown whether influenza vaccination is causally associated with increased risk of recurrent guillain - barr syndrome , persons with previous history of gbs are advised to consult their doctors before receiving the vaccine 由于现时尚未清楚接种流感疫苗与复发性吉-巴氏综合症guillain - barr syndrome gbs之间的因果关系,曾患上吉-巴氏综合症的人士应在接种流感疫苗前向医生查询。
The vaccine can be given on the same day as other types of vaccines . as it is unknown whether influenza vaccination is causally associated with increased risk of recurrent guillain - barr syndrome , persons with previous history of gbs are advised to consult their doctors before receiving the vaccine 由于现时尚未清楚接种流感疫苗与复发性吉-巴氏综合症之间的因果关系,曾患上吉-巴氏综合症guillain - barresyndrome gbs的人士应在接种流感疫苗前向医生查询。