Caterpillars are the larval form of members of the order Lepidoptera (the insect order comprising butterflies and moths). They are mostly herbivorous in food habit, although some species are insectivorous.
caterpillarとは意味:caterpillar 裸虫 はだかむし 毛虫 けむし 青虫 あおむし キャタピラー カタピラー 無限軌道 むげんきどう caterpillar meaning: Noun: caterpillar 'katu`pilu(r) A wormlike and often brightly coloured and hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth Noun: Caterpillar A large tracked vehicle that is prop...caterpillar en francais:n. caterpillar, compagnie américaine, productrice de machines agricoles et d'engins industriels (engin de travaux publics) n. chenille, larve, astic...caterpillar artinya:traktorcaterpillar 뜻:noun, 모충, 쐐기벌레(송충이 등 나비, 나방의 유충), 무한궤도(차), 무한 궤도식 트랙터, 욕심꾸러기, 착취자caterpillar перевод:1) _энт. гусеница 2) кровопийца, паук, пиявка; паразит 3) _тех. гусеничный ход; Ex: caterpillar trak гусеничная лента; трак гусеницы; Ex: caterpillar truk вездеход на гусеничном ходу 4) гусеничны...