Research in the field has focused on understanding the mechanisms used by these cancer cells to become " castration resistant " 这一领域的研究一直集中于探讨癌细胞转变为对去势具有抵抗性的内在机制。
Special sword for castration , qing dynasty , length 20 . 7 cm . the sword was made of gold and bronze to avoid infection 清代阉割专用刀子,长20 . 7厘米,刀质为铜与金的合金,据说以这种材质的刀阉割不易感染。
Can you tell me why approval is needed before a post can appear here ? this kind of censorship is tantamount to self - castration for an already neglected forum 请解释为什么要审核后才能发帖?本来坛子人气就不旺,再来一下审核,这不是自残吗?
People can say that my mother used to cut them and this is linked to the oedipus complex and castration ( a grotesque interpretation but psycho - analytical ) 人们可以说,我母亲以前常修剪我的指甲,因此跟我的恋母情结及去势恐惧有密切关联(这样的解释虽然有点古怪,却也合乎心理分析的学理) 。
Negative quantity , then , is the term that we shall find to designate one of the supports of what is called the castration complex , namely , the negative effect in which the phallus object enters into it 负面质量这个术语,我们将用来指明所谓的去势情结,换言之,阳具客体耀武扬威之际,潜藏的负面效应。
the deletion of objectionable parts from a literary work 同义词:expurgation
surgical removal of the testes or ovaries (usually to inhibit hormone secretion in cases of breast cancer in women or prostate cancer in men); "bilateral castration results in sterilization"
neutering a male animal by removing the testicles 同义词:emasculation
Castration (also referred to as gelding, neutering, fixing, orchiectomy, oophorectomy) is any action, surgical, chemical, or otherwise, by which a male loses the functions of the testicles or a female loses the functions of the ovaries.
castrationとは意味:castration 性腺摘除 せいせんてきじょ 宮刑 きゅうけい 腐刑 ふけい 去勢 きょせい 断種 だんしゅ castration meaning: Noun: castration `ka'streyshun Neutering a male animal by removing the testicles - emasculation Surgical removal of the testes or ovaries (usually to inhibit hormone secre...castration en francais:n. castration, opération par laquelle onnprive u individu mâle ou femelle de la faculté de se reproduire; émasculation; stérilisationcastration artinya:penyembelihancastration 뜻:noun, 거세, 골자를 빼기, 삭제 정정castration перевод:1) кастрация; оскопление; холощение 2) выхолащивание 3) сокращение, кромсание; изъятие неприемлемых мест (из текста)