Research of copolymerization capsulated nano - sio 2的研究
Primary study on the stability of carotenoid form rhodopseudomonas capsulate 荚膜红假单胞菌类胡萝卜素的稳定性能初探
A model of the capsulated antenna is presented and simulations are conducted according to different numerical values of parameters involving capsulation dimensions and dielectric constant 建立了带有圆柱形介质封装的天线模型,针对介质厚度、内径和介电常数三个封装参数的不同取值组合进行了大量仿真。
The design of temperature sensor realizes bare fiber temperature characters and strain insensitivity of capsulated components in the range of 30 ~ 85 , which guarantees their high stability and repeatability 温度传感器的设计结构在30 ? 85的温度变化范围内有效的实现了封装元件的裸删温度特性及应变不敏感性,保证了其高稳定性和重复性。
Based on vc and opengl software platform , as a part of integrate planar mechanism analysis and simulation cai , the mechanism theory has been adopted to analysis the movement trace and profile of linkage ; adopt oriented object method to capsulate the class module . each corresponding class module complete parameter storage and process ; adopt message - map , message - trigger to organize the programming and response the user " s input ; use the document - view structure of the visual vc + + mfc class foundation as the basis of the programming architecture to complete those functions . use oriented object method to product the following class module : control class , render class , document class , mechanism class and other classes ; adopt opengl library to draw the three dimensional graph based on the result of mechanism analysis ; use model transforming , lighting , material , color , frame - buffer , display - list , graphics - component combine etc to draw the three - dimension mechanism and make the simulation of linkage has high reality 本文叙述了平面连杆机构运动分析和可视化仿真的理论算法及其编程实现方法,基于微机vc平台,采用opengl图形库编程,利用面向对象的方法对机构进行功能封装,利用vc + +的文档视结构作为最基本的窗架,生成并控制三维绘制类、文档类、主窗口类和一些辅助类,利用windows平台的消息映射、事件驱动来组织程序运行和响应用户反馈,利用机构分析得出坐标数据驱动opengl库绘制三维机构图形。
capsulateとは意味:{他動} : カプセルに入れる、要約する -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】kae'psэle`it、【分節】cap?su?late capsulate meaning: Adjective: capsulate 'kaps(y)u`leyt Used of seeds or spores that are enclosed in a capsule - capsulated Verb: capsulate 'kaps(y)u`leyt Enclose in a capsule ...capsulate en francais:v. encapsuler; mettre en capsule (forme condensée) adj. capsulaire, en forme de capsule; condensécapsulate 뜻:vt, adjective, 캡슐에 넣다, 요약하다, 꼬투리가 달린(에 들어있는), 캡슐에 든, -lated(-l`eitid)vt, adjective,