Caledonia is the Latin name given by the Romans to the land in today's Scotland north of their province of Britannia, beyond the frontier of their empire. The etymology of the name is probably from a P-Celtic source.
caledoniaとは意味:{人名} : カレドニア◆女 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {地名} : カレドニア caledonia meaning: Noun: Caledonia `kali'downeeu The geographical area (in Roman times) to the north of the Antonine Wall; now a poetic name for Scotland Type of: geographic area , geographic re...caledonia en francais:n. calédonie, nom donné par les romains à l'ecosse; nouvelle-calédonie, pays d'outre-mer français, constitué d'une île principale, la grande terre, et de plusieurs dépendance...caledonia artinya:caledoniacaledonia 뜻:noun, 칼레도니아(스코틀랜드의 옛 이름)caledonia перевод:1) Каледония, Шотландия 2) _ист. Каледония, северная часть Британии