Truly , a byronic hero ! franz could not , we will not say see him , but even think of him without imagining his stern head upon manfred s shoulders , or beneath lara s helmet 弗兰兹不但每次看到他,而且甚至每次想到他的时候,就禁不住要把他那个令人生畏的脑袋装到曼弗雷特的肩膀上或勒拉的头盔底下去。
People said that he resembled byron , - at least that his head was byronic ; but he was a bearded , tranquil byron , who might live on a thousand years without growing old . certainly an englishman , it was more doubtful whether phileas fogg was a londoner 有人说他象拜伦就是头象,至于脚可不象:他的脚并没有毛病,不过他的两颊和嘴上比拜伦多一点胡子,性情也比拜伦温和,就是活一千岁他大概也不会变样。
As a leading romanticist , byron ’ s chief contribution is his creation of the “ byronic hero , ” a proud , mysterious rebel figure of noble origin . such a hero appears first in childe harold ’ s pilgrimage , and then further developed in later works such as the oriented tales , manfred , and dan juan in different guises 作为浪漫主义的代表诗人,拜伦的主要贡献在于他创造了“拜伦式英雄” ,高傲,神秘,反叛却带有贵族血统。这种拜伦式英雄出现在《哈罗德游记》 , 《东方故事集》 , 《曼弗雷德》及《唐璜》等多部作品中。
Though not cold - natured , he was rather bright than hot - less byronic than shelleyan ; could love desperately , but with a love more especially inclined to the imaginative and ethereal ; it was a fastidious emotion which could jealously guard the loved one against his very self 虽然他并非天性冷淡,但是乖巧胜于热烈他像拜伦少些,却像雪莱多些他可以爱得痴情,但是他的爱又特别倾向于想象,倾向于空灵他的爱是一种偏执的感情,能够克制住自己,保护自己所爱的人不受侵犯。
byronicとは意味:By?ron?ic [bairɑnik] 【形】バイロン(風)の《ロマン的で風刺的な作風》. byronic meaning: Adjective: Byronic bI'rónik Pertaining to, or in the style of, Lord Byron Encyclopedia: Byronic byronic en francais:adj. byronien; triste et ironique (selon le style du poète byron)byronic перевод:1) байронический