1. 领江 navigate a ship on a river r...
  2. 领波 pilot wave
  3. 领海 territorial waters
  4. 领海宽度 the extent of the territoria...
  5. 领海权 maritime domain
  6. 领海管辖权 jurisdiction within territor...
  7. 领海线 boundary line of territorial...
  8. 领海范围 extent of territorial waters
  9. 领港 pilot a ship into or out of ...
  10. 领港船 pilot boat
  11. 领港费 pilotage
  12. 领班 foreman
  13. 领略 have a taste of
  14. 领略了塞北的大好风光 get some idea of the splendi...
  15. 领略大概 get a general impression of ...
  16. 领略词意 comprehend the meaning of a ...
  17. 领略领略 find out through personal ex...
  18. 领示 pilot
  19. 领示中继保护 pilot relaying
  20. 领示信号 pilot signal
  21. 领示信号开关 director signal switch
  22. 领示开关 pilot switch
  23. 领示波 pilot wave
  24. 领示电子束 pilot beam
  25. 领示线 pilot line
  26. 领示线控制网络 pilot-wire controlled networ...
  27. 领示线调节器 pilot wire regulator
  28. 领空 territorial sky
  29. 领空权 sovereign right over territo...
  30. 领空管辖权 jurisdiction within space
  31. 领章 collar badge
  32. 领结 bow tie
  33. 领航 navigate
  34. 领航入港费 pilotage inwards
  35. 领航员 aeronavigator
  36. 领航员对着太阳测方位后将船朝正北驶去 The navigator took a fix on ...
  37. 领航图 pilotage chart
  38. 领航学 navigation
  39. 领航术 navigation
  40. 领航机 pathfinder
  41. 领航权 pilotage
  42. 领航水域 pilot waters
  43. 领航登陆艇 navigation landing craft
  44. 领航舱 navigators cabin
  45. 领航船 pilot boat
  46. 领航设备 navigation equipment
  47. 领航锚地 pilotage ground
  48. 领航飞机 pathfinder aircraft
  49. 领航飞行员 aeronavigator
  50. 领舰 leader

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