1. 临界力 critical force
  2. 临界区 critical region
  3. 临界态 critical state
  4. 临界最大值 critical maximum
  5. 临界条件 critical condition
  6. 临界温度 critical temperature
  7. 临界点 critical point
  8. 临界点位移 stagnation point movement
  9. 临界点偏移 stagnation point shift
  10. 临界状态 criticality
  11. 临界球 critical sphere
  12. 临界装置 critical assembly
  13. 临界角 critical angle
  14. 临界转数 critical revolutions
  15. 临界转速 critical speed
  16. 临界载荷 critical load
  17. 临界速度 critical speed
  18. 临界量 critical quantity
  19. 临界面 critical surface
  20. 临盆 be giving birth to a child
  21. 临睡 be about to sleep
  22. 临终 approaching one's end
  23. 临终嘱咐 death-bed injunction
  24. 临终床 deathbed
  25. 临终时 on one's deathbed
  26. 临终时的祈祷 commendation of the soul
  27. 临终服务 death therapy
  28. 临终遗言 dying wish
  29. 临蓐 the short spell before givin...
  30. 临行 before leaving
  31. 临行告别 say goodbye to sb. before de...
  32. 临行时留下名片 leave one's card on departur...
  33. 临证指南医案 a guide to clinical practice...
  34. 临走之前 prior to departure
  35. 临走前 before going copy
  36. 临近 close to
  37. 临近探测器 proximity detector
  38. 临近流速 velocity of approach
  39. 临近速度 range rate
  40. 临近黎明 close on daybreak
  41. 临阵换将 choose a new leader in the m...
  42. 临阵磨刀 do a thing hurriedly at the ...
  43. 临阵磨枪 sharpen one's spear only bef...
  44. 临阵脱逃 run away when going into bat...
  45. 临阵观战 go out to watch the encounte...
  46. 临阵退却 turn back when going into ba...
  47. 临阵退缩 have cold feet
  48. 临震预报 impending earthquake predict...
  49. 临风招展 be streaming in the wind
  50. 临风洒泪 sob out one's sorrow to the ...

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