1. 刚强果断 firm and resolute
  2. 刚强铁汉 a man of steel
  3. 刚性 rigidity
  4. 刚性材料 rigid material
  5. 刚性构件 rigid member
  6. 刚性构架 braced frame
  7. 刚性梁 stiffening bar
  8. 刚性管 rigid pipe
  9. 刚性结构 rigid construction
  10. 刚性联轴节 rigid coupling
  11. 刚性路面 rigid pavement
  12. 刚愎 self-willed
  13. 刚愎不仁 stubborn and unkind
  14. 刚愎自用 unwilling to take advice
  15. 刚成年 be barely of age
  16. 刚才 just now
  17. 刚接 rigid connection
  18. 刚构桥 rigid frame bridge
  19. 刚果 Congo
  20. 刚果人 Congolese
  21. 刚果河 The Congo
  22. 刚果语 Congolese
  23. 刚果野牛 Congo buffalo
  24. 刚架 rigid frame
  25. 刚架梁 rigid-frame beam
  26. 刚架横梁 gantry beam
  27. 刚架结构 rigid-framed
  28. 刚柔并济 couple hardness with softnes...
  29. 刚正 upright
  30. 刚正不阿 upright and outspoken
  31. 刚毅 resolute and steadfast
  32. 刚毅之气 manhood
  33. 刚毅果决 resolute and daring
  34. 刚毅精神 fortitude
  35. 刚毛 coat fibre
  36. 刚烈 staunch with moral integrity
  37. 刚玉 boule
  38. 刚玉砂布 corundum cloth
  39. 刚直 upright and outspoken
  40. 刚直不阿 uprightness and tenacity be ...
  41. 刚砂 emery
  42. 刚砂石 emery stone
  43. 刚砂磨盘 emery disk
  44. 刚赶趟儿 be only just in time
  45. 刚风见 "罡风"
  46. start achieve
  47. 创世 the Creation
  48. 创世岩体 genesis rocks
  49. 创世爆炸 big bang
  50. 创世论 creationism

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