1. 充足 adequate
  2. 充足条件 sufficiency
  3. 充足样本 adequate sample
  4. 充饥 allay one's hunger
  5. 充饥御寒 stop hunger and resist cold
  6. omen
  7. 兆乏 megavar
  8. 兆乏计 megavarmeter
  9. 兆伏 crocodile
  10. 兆伏安 megavolt-ampere
  11. 兆位 megabit
  12. 兆卡 thermie
  13. 兆周 megacycle
  14. 兆头 sign
  15. 兆安 megampere
  16. 兆安束流 million-amp beam current
  17. 兆居里 megacurie
  18. 兆巴 megabar
  19. 兆欧 mega-ohm
  20. 兆泊 megapoise
  21. 兆法 megafarad
  22. 兆瓦 megawatt
  23. 兆皓 Zhao Hao
  24. 兆秒 megasecond
  25. 兆赫 megahertz a surname
  26. 兆赫波段 megacycle region
  27. earlier
  28. 先下手为强 He who strikes first gains t...
  29. 先不要动那笔钱 Don't use the sum of money n...
  30. 先不要扣帽子 Don't start trying labels on...
  31. 先不要管那些等而下之的产品 Don't bother about those low...
  32. 先世 forefathers
  33. 先严 my deceased father
  34. 先交送行李 send the luggage in advance
  35. 先人 ancestor
  36. 先人后己 put the interest of others a...
  37. 先令 shilling schilling
  38. 先例 precedent
  39. 先兆 foreboding
  40. 先入为主 First impressions are strong...
  41. 先入之见 preconception
  42. 先公后私 put public interests before ...
  43. 先决 prerequisite
  44. 先决条件 prerequisite
  45. 先决问题 preliminary question
  46. 先别把这一页翻过去 Don't turn over the page yet...
  47. 先到先招待 first come,first served
  48. 先到后走 be the first to arrive and t...
  49. 先到灶头先得食 If you arrive early,you get ...
  50. 先到者优先 first come,first served

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