1. 将军被解除了最高指挥官的职务 The general was relieved of ...
  2. 将农副产品价格放开 abandon the control over the...
  3. 将决议草案提交大会讨论 submit the draft resolution ...
  4. 将几项诉讼合并判决 merger of the claim in the j...
  5. 将利润汇回本国 transfer home the profits
  6. 将到期负债 maturing liabilities
  7. 将到货物 goods to arrive
  8. 将功折罪 make up for one's error
  9. 将功补过 make amends for previous fau...
  10. 将功赎罪 make amends for one's crimes...
  11. 将勤补绌 make up for lack of skill by...
  12. 将匠 a surname
  13. 将匠或 Jiangjiang Yu
  14. 将双肘放在桌上 rest one's elbows on the tab...
  15. 将在全国各地发行 will be put on sale through ...
  16. 将在外君命有所不受 A field commander must decid...
  17. 将城市的全景尽收眼底 look at a whole view of the ...
  18. 将士 officers and men
  19. 将士用命 Officers and men perform the...
  20. 将天比地 It is as though Heaven were ...
  21. 将如之何 What is to be done?
  22. 将委员人数由五名增加到十名 raise the number of committe...
  23. 将子无怒 Please don't be angry with m...
  24. 将官 general
  25. 将客人引进客厅 introduce a guest into the p...
  26. 将将 a moment ago
  27. 将就 make do with
  28. 将己比人 compare oneself to another
  29. 将幼弟而归 bring home one's little brot...
  30. 将心比心 feel for others
  31. 将息 rest
  32. 将战士们暂时安顿在新营地 camp the soldiers temporaril...
  33. 将打错的地方擦去 make an erasure of typing er...
  34. 将护 nurse sb. and take good care...
  35. 将指 middle finger big toe
  36. 将斗争进行到底 carry a fight through to the...
  37. 将有余补不足 take the surplus here to mak...
  38. 将本求利 make money with one's capita...
  39. 将杂志上的文章收集成册 collect magazine articles in...
  40. 将杂志上的文章汇集成册 collect magazine articles in...
  41. 将来 future
  42. 将来业务扩大需要建造两个新工厂 Future expansion of the busi...
  43. 将来时态 the future tense
  44. 将来环境角色 future surrounding case
  45. 将来生效的租契 executory lease
  46. 将来的经理 would-be manager
  47. 将某人引入歧途 lead sb. up the garden
  48. 将某人捉拿归案 bring sb. to justice
  49. 将某物呈某人检查 submit a thing to a person's...
  50. 将校 general officers and field-g...

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