1. 封存 seal up for safekeeping
  2. 封官许愿 hand out official posts and ...
  3. 封山 seal a mountain pass
  4. 封山育林 close hillsides in order to ...
  5. 封山育林地区 conservancy area
  6. 封底 back cover
  7. 封建 the system of enfeoffment fe...
  8. 封建主 feudal lord
  9. 封建主义 feudalism
  10. 封建主义幽灵 spectre of feudalism
  11. 封建主所有制 feudal ownership
  12. 封建余孽 dregs of feudalism
  13. 封建余毒 pernicious vestiges of feuda...
  14. 封建制度的解体 the disintegration of the fe...
  15. 封建割据 feudal separatist rule
  16. 封建土地所有制 feudal ownership of land
  17. 封建堡垒 a stronghold of feudalism
  18. 封建官僚 feudal bureaucrat
  19. 封建意识的影响 influence of feudal ideology
  20. 封建把头 feudal boss
  21. 封建把头包工制 job contracting system contr...
  22. 封建末世 the last years of feudalism
  23. 封建残余 survivals of feudalism
  24. 封建王朝 feudal dynasties
  25. 封建礼教的叛逆 a rebel against feudal ethic...
  26. 封建社会等级森严 Feudal society was rigidly s...
  27. 封建统治者常给那些反抗他们的人加上大逆不道的罪名 Feudal rulers often branded ...
  28. 封建贵族 feudal nobles
  29. 封德彝 Feng Deyi
  30. 封斋 Ramadan
  31. 封条 seal
  32. 封檐瓦垄 gable coping
  33. 封沙育林 Trees have been planted to f...
  34. 封爵 create noble
  35. 封瓶机 bottle capper
  36. 封疆大吏 governors
  37. 封皮 paper strip seal front cover...
  38. 封签 facing slip
  39. 封网 block
  40. 封装 package
  41. 封豕长蛇 the giant boar and huge pyth...
  42. 封资修 feudalism,capitalism and rev...
  43. 封邑 a manor estate granted by a ...
  44. 封里 inside front cover inside ba...
  45. 封锁 blockade
  46. 封锁可能要持续一段时间 The blockade is likely to la...
  47. 封锁市场 blockade the market against ...
  48. 封锁消息 block the passage of informa...
  49. 封锁港口 blockade a port
  50. 封锁线 blockade line

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