1. 对某人并无恶感 bear sb. no malice
  2. 对某人心怀恶意 bear malice to sb.
  3. 对某人怀有嫉妒心 nurse jealousy against sb.
  4. 对某人怀有戒心 be on one's guard against sb...
  5. 对某人怀有敌意 hostile to a person
  6. 对某人投以愤怒的一瞥 dart an angry look at sb.
  7. 对某人抱有反感 feel antipathy against sb.
  8. 对某人拳打脚踢 give sb. bashes and kicks
  9. 对某人提出诉讼 bring an action against sb.
  10. 对某人敬佩不已 deep admiration for sb.
  11. 对某人施加压力 bring pressure to bear on sb...
  12. 对某人施小恩小惠 bestow paltry charity to sb.
  13. 对某人有偏见 have a prejudice against sb.
  14. 对某人有恶感 entertain ill feelings again...
  15. 对某人有意见 have a bone to pick with sb.
  16. 对某人期望很大 expect much from sb.
  17. 对某人极为冷淡 be terribly cool towards sb.
  18. 对某人泼冷水 cast a chill over sb.
  19. 对某人点头 nod at sb.
  20. 对某人的劝告一点也不在意 not care a snap for sb.'s ad...
  21. 对某人的劝告满不在乎 pay no heed to sb.'s advice
  22. 对某人的能力评价过高 set too high a valuation on ...
  23. 对某人的锐利的讽刺 a scatching satire on sb. sa...
  24. 对某人致颂词 pronounce a enlogy on sb. a ...
  25. 对某人表示好感 show sb. favour
  26. 对某人起疑心 be suspicious of sb.
  27. 对某国进犯 invade a country
  28. 对案 counterproposal
  29. 对歌 singing in antiphonal style
  30. 对此不要有什么奢望 Don't attach any extravagant...
  31. 对此发表评论无异于画蛇添足 Comment upon this would be t...
  32. 对此只能作出一个粗略的测算 Only the rough guess and est...
  33. 对此表示遗憾 express regret over the matt...
  34. 对比 contrast
  35. 对比体积 reduced volume
  36. 对比值 reduced value
  37. 对比分析 comparative analysis
  38. 对比压强 reduced pressure
  39. 对比图 collation map
  40. 对比定律 contrast law
  41. 对比度 contrast ratio
  42. 对比放大 contrast amplification
  43. 对比效应 contrast effect
  44. 对比方程 reduced equation
  45. 对比染剂 contrast stain
  46. 对比染色法 contrast staining
  47. 对比温度 reduced temperature
  48. 对比灵敏度 contrast sensitivity
  49. 对比状态 corresponding state
  50. 对比率 contrast ratio

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