1. 对接焊 butt welding
  2. 对接装配 pickup fitting
  3. 对接触点 butt contact
  4. 对提出的要求进行逐项考虑 consider the requests on an ...
  5. 对撞 clash
  6. 对撞机 collider
  7. 对改革的承受力 people's capability of adapt...
  8. 对政治问题持骑墙态度 straddle a political questio...
  9. 对敌人毫不留情 show the enemy no mercy
  10. 对敌人进行报复 take reprisals against the e...
  11. 对数 logarithm
  12. 对数乘法器 logarithmic multiplier
  13. 对数表 log tables
  14. 对新产品进行初步调试 put the new products through...
  15. 对方 the other party
  16. 对方付款电话 collect call
  17. 对方在谈判中还没有关门 The other side hasn't yet sl...
  18. 对方场地 away ground
  19. 对方船 opponent vessel
  20. 对方观察 adversary inspection
  21. 对旅客的安全负责 be responsible for the safet...
  22. 对日本人民我们一贯奉行友好政策 We have always pursued a fri...
  23. 对日点 antisolar point
  24. 对旧房子进行一番修葺 do some renovations of old h...
  25. 对易 commutation
  26. 对易规则 commutation rule
  27. 对景伤情 moved by what one sees
  28. 对景生情 be full of emotion when faci...
  29. 对暗号 exchange code words
  30. 对最近这次危机处置不当 bungle the latest crisis
  31. 对月举觞 raise the cup to the moon
  32. 对月伤怀 give way to melancholy under...
  33. 对月寓怀 could not restrain one's fan...
  34. 对月长吁 sigh under the moon
  35. 对未来有信心 have trust in the future
  36. 对本计划的异议将予以考虑 Objections to the plan will ...
  37. 对来自空中的攻击是无法设防的 There can be no real defence...
  38. 对某事失望 disappointment at sth.
  39. 对某事怀有戒心 be wary of sth.
  40. 对某事意见一致 be in agreement on sth.
  41. 对某事感到有点淆惑 feel a little confused about...
  42. 对某事有所贡献 contribute to sth.
  43. 对某事消息灵通 be well-informed about sth. ...
  44. 对某事物有新的见地 get a fresh insight into...
  45. 对某事物有透辟的了解 have a thorough understandin...
  46. 对某些食物过敏 be allergic to certain foods
  47. 对某人亲热 behave affectionately toward...
  48. 对某人在态度上过于随便 be rather too free with sb.
  49. 对某人大肆漫骂 heap curse on sb.
  50. 对某人太不客气 be too rude to sb.

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