1. 通讯设备 communication apparatus
  2. 通论 a sensible argument
  3. 通译 translate interpreter
  4. 通话 communicate by telephone
  5. 通话计时器 peg count meter
  6. 通读 read through
  7. 通谋 conspire
  8. 通货 currency goods
  9. 通货升值 currency revaluation
  10. 通货回笼 recall currency
  11. 通货帐面利率 book rate of currency
  12. 通货收缩 deflation
  13. 通货稳定 currency stabilization
  14. 通货紧缩 deflation
  15. 通货膨胀 inflation
  16. 通货膨胀使物价节节上涨 Monetary inflation spirals i...
  17. 通货膨胀受害人 inflatee
  18. 通货膨胀周期论 inflation business cycle the...
  19. 通货膨胀如脱缰之马 runaway inflation
  20. 通货膨胀控制 inflation control
  21. 通货膨胀率 rate of inflation
  22. 通货自由兑换 currency convertibility
  23. 通货贬值 depreciation of currency
  24. 通路 thoroughfare
  25. 通身 the whole body
  26. 通车 be open to traffic have tran...
  27. 通车里程 traffic mileage course of de...
  28. 通达 understand
  29. 通达世情 well acquainted with the way...
  30. 通达事理 be reasonable
  31. 通达人情 be understanding and conside...
  32. 通过 pass through
  33. 通过一条崎岖不平的山路 go through a rugged mountain...
  34. 通过一项决定 pass a resolution
  35. 通过了这项动议 The motion was adopted.
  36. 通过决议 adopt a resolution
  37. 通过协商取得一致 reach unanimity through cons...
  38. 通过协议可以延长期限 Period may be extended upon ...
  39. 通过各种渠道 through various channels
  40. 通过各种途径增进两国人民之间的友谊 The friendship between the p...
  41. 通过城镇 pass through a city
  42. 通过墙上的小窗口购东西 shop through a hatch in the ...
  43. 通过外交渠道 through diplomatic channels
  44. 通过外交途径 through diplomatic channels
  45. 通过外交途径解决 be settled through diplomati...
  46. 通过大家的一致努力 thanks to the concerted effo...
  47. 通过实践 by way of practice
  48. 通过广泛阅读来丰富词汇 enrich one's vocabulary by r...
  49. 通过文化交流的渠道 through the medium of cultur...
  50. 通过望远镜观察月亮 view the moon through a tele...

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