1. 跟上科学上的最新发展 keep up with the latest deve...
  2. 跟不上 unable to keep pace with
  3. 跟不上功课 cannot catch up with one's l...
  4. 跟不上趟儿 cannot catch up with the ran...
  5. 跟人借钱 borrow money from sb. lend
  6. 跟他们搭伴 join company with them
  7. 跟他作生意你是要吃亏的 You will stand to lose if yo...
  8. 跟你谈一谈 have a talk with you
  9. 跟党一条心 be at one with the Party
  10. 跟前 in front of
  11. 跟单 documentary
  12. 跟单信用证 documentary credit
  13. 跟单托收 collection on documents
  14. 跟单承兑 documentary acceptance
  15. 跟单期票 documentary promissary note
  16. 跟单汇兑 documentary remittance
  17. 跟单汇票 documentary bill of exchange
  18. 跟单票据 documentary bill
  19. 跟单销售 documentary sale
  20. 跟在别人后面一步一步地爬行 trail behind others at a sna...
  21. 跟头 fall
  22. 跟头虫 wiggler
  23. 跟她借了一支铅笔 borrowed a pencil from her t...
  24. 跟座 heel seat
  25. 跟您打听一件事 I'd like to ask you about st...
  26. 跟我学 follow me
  27. 跟摄 move the camera to follow th...
  28. 跟朋友攀谈 have a chat with a friend
  29. 跟某人斗智 set one's wits to sb.'s
  30. 跟某人算帐 have an account to settle wi...
  31. 跟班 join a regular shift or clas...
  32. 跟班劳动 go to work in a workshop for...
  33. 跟着 follow
  34. 跟脚 fit well
  35. 跟腱 achilles tendon
  36. 跟踪 follow the tracks of
  37. 跟踪嫌疑犯 tail after a suspect
  38. 跟踪敌舰 shadow the enemy warships
  39. 跟踪球 tracking ball
  40. 跟踪缉捕 follow a clue and put sb. un...
  41. 跟踪走私集团 track down on a gang of smug...
  42. 跟踪追击 follow on sb.'s heels in hot...
  43. 跟踪追迹 be on sb.'s track
  44. 跟车站比邻的那个工厂 the factory next to the rail...
  45. 跟过去旧传统决裂 break from the past old trad...
  46. 跟进 follow-up
  47. 跟部 heel
  48. 跟随 follow
  49. 跟随左右 follow one wherever one goes
  50. 跟骨 calcaneus

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