1. 寸步不离 follow sb. closely
  2. 寸步不让 not to yield a step
  3. 寸步难移 in difficult pass
  4. 寸步难行 be difficult for sb. to move...
  5. 寸田尺宅 have only a small property
  6. 寸缕无存 There is not even an inch of...
  7. 寸脉 Cun pulse
  8. 寸草不如 be not worth a straw
  9. 寸草不生 Not even a blade of grass gr...
  10. 寸草不留 complete devastation
  11. 寸草春晖 a blade of grass to repay th...
  12. 寸进 a little progress
  13. 寸进尺退 advance by inch and retreat ...
  14. 寸金难买寸光阴 An inch of gold will not buy...
  15. 寸阴 time indicated by a shadow m...
  16. 寸阴尺璧 An inch of shade is equal to...
  17. 寸阴是惜 value every spare moment for
  18. 寸阴若岁 An inch of shadow moved is a...
  19. 寸隙难留 It's impossible to stop time...
  20. answer
  21. 对一本新书进行非难的文章 a review containing unfair c...
  22. 对上号 square with
  23. 对上帝的敬畏 reverence toward God
  24. 对不起 I'm sorry.
  25. 对不起列祖列宗 be unworthy heirs of our anc...
  26. 对不起对不起他 be less than fair to him
  27. 对世事不闻不问 dead to the world
  28. 对两队所作的比较表明星期六的比赛很可能是势均力敌的 A comparison of the two team...
  29. 对个人服务的小小酬报 offer a small reward for per...
  30. 对中 centring
  31. 对乡土的爱恋 attachment to one's native s...
  32. 对争端进行仲裁 arbitrate a dispute
  33. 对争端进行公断 arbitrate a dispute
  34. 对争端进行调停 mediate a dispute
  35. 对事不对人 concern oneself with facts a...
  36. 对事件作了清楚的解说 make a clear narration of th...
  37. 对事件作亲眼所见的叙述 give an eye-witness account ...
  38. 对事情的乐观看法 an optimistic view of events
  39. 对事故中受伤人员进行急救 afford the first-aid to the ...
  40. 对于 to
  41. 对于两件衣服中选哪一件她迟疑不决 She hesitated over the choic...
  42. 对于具体情况作具体的分析 make a concrete analysis of ...
  43. 对于此事我还没有作出决定 I have not yet given my deci...
  44. 对于每个具体问题要进行具体分析 We should make a concrete an...
  45. 对于王位的合法继承权有过一场争论 There was a dispute about th...
  46. 对人之诉 action in personam
  47. 对人如己 do to others as we do to our...
  48. 对人撒野 be rude to sb.
  49. 对人淡漠 treat people with indifferen...
  50. 对人粗暴无礼 be rude to sb.

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