1. 跌了一跤 trip and fall
  2. 跌交 trip and fall
  3. 跌仆伤胎 trauma involving the intra-u...
  4. 跌仆肋痛 hypochondriac pain due to tr...
  5. 跌价 shrinkage
  6. 跌伤 get injured by a fall
  7. 跌倒 fall
  8. 跌倒在地 fall to the ground
  9. 跌倒爬起 recover one's legs
  10. 跌入小河 tumble into a stream
  11. 跌后回升 rally
  12. 跌宕 free and easy
  13. 跌宕不羁 unrestrained and reckless
  14. 跌打损伤 injuries from falls,fracture...
  15. 跌打损伤药 drug for traumatic injuries
  16. 跌打腰痛 lumbago due to trauma
  17. 跌水 head fall
  18. 跌脚叫苦 stamp one's feet and cry out...
  19. 跌脚捶胸 stamp one's feet and beat on...
  20. 跌膘 get lean
  21. 跌荡放言 speak at random -- talk wild...
  22. 跌落 fall
  23. 跌落水面 breaking water level
  24. 跌落电压 drop-off voltage
  25. 跌落试验 fall-down test
  26. 跌落试验机 drop machine
  27. 跌足 stamp one's foot
  28. 跌足太息 stamp one's foot and sigh
  29. 跌足悔恨 stamp one's foot in regret
  30. 跌跌冲冲 stumbling and wavering
  31. 跌跌撞撞 dodder along
  32. 跌跌撞撞地下楼 tumble down the stairs
  33. 跌闪血崩 metrorrhagia due to trauma
  34. 跏趺 sit crosslegged
  35. step on
  36. 跐着门槛儿 step on the railing tiptoe
  37. dig ground with foot or hoof
  38. 跑下山 run down a hill
  39. 跑不迭 hurry to run profusely
  40. 跑买卖 be a commercial traveller
  41. 跑了和尚跑不了庙 A monk may run away,but the ...
  42. 跑交通 do liaison work
  43. 跑位 positioning
  44. 跑单帮 travel around trading on one...
  45. 跑味 deaden
  46. 跑回来 run back
  47. 跑圆场 walk around the stage
  48. 跑垒 baserunning
  49. 跑垒员 base runner
  50. 跑垒道 base path

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