1. 递降谱带 degraded band
  2. road
  3. 途中 on passage
  4. 途中停止地点 stopping place
  5. 途中补给 underway supporting
  6. 途径 road
  7. 途有饿殍 Corpses of people who died o...
  8. 途次 stopover
  9. 途程 road
  10. 途穷 at the end of one's resource...
  11. 途穷反噬 When a beast comes to the en...
  12. 途经 by way of
  13. 途经大连 pass through Dalian stand
  14. 途经杭州前往上海 go to Shanghai by way of Han...
  15. distant
  16. tease
  17. 逗人发笑 elicit a laugh from a person
  18. 逗人喜爱 arouse the affection of adul...
  19. 逗号 comma
  20. 逗号构造 comma construction
  21. 逗号范畴 comma category
  22. 逗哏 make fun with jokes
  23. 逗嘴片子 cross words with sb.
  24. 逗孩子玩 play with a child provoke
  25. 逗弄 tease
  26. 逗弄瘸子是残忍的 It's cruel to make fun of a ...
  27. 逗引 tease
  28. 逗得直乐 laugh with amusement
  29. 逗点 comma
  30. 逗留 stay
  31. 逗留一夜 make an overnight stop
  32. 逗留期间 during one's stay
  33. 逗笑儿 amusing
  34. 逗趣儿 set people laughing
  35. 逗遛几天 stop over for a few days
  36. open up or clear out by poki...
  37. 通下水道 jab the cleaning rod into a ...
  38. 通书 almanac
  39. 通事达理 be understanding and amenabl...
  40. 通亮 well-illuminated
  41. 通人 a person of wide knowledge a...
  42. 通人达才 erudite and informed persons
  43. 通今博古 conversant with things prese...
  44. 通令 issue a general order
  45. 通令全国 issue a general order to the...
  46. 通令嘉奖 issue an order of commendati...
  47. 通令所属一体遵照 All the units are to be info...
  48. 通体 whole body
  49. 通例 common practice
  50. 通例可援 Usages can be quoted.

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