1. 取消一场比赛 call off a match
  2. 取消一项决议 revoke a decision
  3. 取消主义 liquidationism
  4. 取消仲裁裁决 set aside the award
  5. 取消会员资格 deprive sb. of his membershi...
  6. 取消债务 debt cancellation
  7. 取消决定 rescind a decision
  8. 取消减价 markdown cancellation
  9. 取消前约 cry off
  10. 取消协议 cancel the agreement
  11. 取消原订计划 cancel the original plan
  12. 取消发射 scrub
  13. 取消合同 discharge of contract
  14. 取消合约 rescind a contract
  15. 取消命令 revoke an order
  16. 取消商品经济 abolish commodity economy
  17. 取消契约 cancel a contract
  18. 取消婚约 call off an engagement
  19. 取消学籍 be struck off the school rol...
  20. 取消律师资格 disbar
  21. 取消报价 withdraw an offer
  22. 取消拨款 strike off an appropriation ...
  23. 取消条款 cancellation clause
  24. 取消比赛资格 debar
  25. 取消汽油定量配给 eliminate rationing on gasol...
  26. 取消派 liquidator
  27. 取消特别提款权 cancellation of special draw...
  28. 取消禁令 nullify a prohibition
  29. 取消租约 cancel the deed of rental
  30. 取消约会 call off the appointment
  31. 取消股利 rescission of dividends
  32. 取消誓约 abrogate one's vow
  33. 取消订单 cancellation of order
  34. 取消订货 annul an order for goods
  35. 取消记者招待会 call off the press conferenc...
  36. 取消证人资格 recall off witness
  37. 取消诉讼令 vacatur
  38. 取消资格 disqualify
  39. 取消遗嘱 break one's will
  40. 取消限价 decontrol the price
  41. 取笑 ridicule
  42. 取笑挖苦 ridicule sarcastically
  43. 取笑瘸子是残忍的 It's cruel to make fun of a ...
  44. 取精用弘 take what is wanted from a c...
  45. 取经 go on a pilgrimage for Buddh...
  46. 取经学道 learn from sb. else's experi...
  47. 取给 draw
  48. 取缔 outlaw
  49. 取缔倾销 anti-dumping
  50. 取缔反动会道门 ban reactionary secret socie...

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