1. 进行周密的调查 carry out a thorough investi...
  2. 进行坚决斗争 wage a resolute struggle
  3. 进行垂死的挣扎 put up a last-ditch struggle
  4. 进行宣传鼓动 conduct propaganda and agita...
  5. 进行巡航实习 take a practice cruise
  6. 进行广泛的交谈 have a wide-ranging conversa...
  7. 进行投机倒把 engage in speculation and pr...
  8. 进行抗辩 enter a demurrer
  9. 进行报复 make reprisals
  10. 进行攻讦 rack up sb.'s past and attac...
  11. 进行教学实习 do practice teaching
  12. 进行时 progressive tense
  13. 进行曲 march
  14. 进行有力的反击 deal a vigorous counter-blow
  15. 进行核试验 conduct a nuclear test
  16. 进行检测 give a test
  17. 进行正面教育 educate by using positive ex...
  18. 进行武装挑衅 carry out armed provocation
  19. 进行深入的调查研究 make a deep investigation an...
  20. 进行深刻的分析 make penetrating analysis
  21. 进行热烈的讨论 have a lively discussion
  22. 进行牵制 create a diversion
  23. 进行真枪实弹的演习 conduct exercises with live ...
  24. 进行礼节性的访问 pay a complimentary visit
  25. 进行科学实验 conduct scientific experimen...
  26. 进行突然点名 make a surprise roll call
  27. 进行精辟的分析 make a penetrating analysis
  28. 进行自卫还击 fight in self-defence
  29. 进行血液病的科研工作 make scientific researches o...
  30. 进行表决 put a question to the vote
  31. 进行角逐 enter into rivalry
  32. 进行详尽的研究 make an exhaustive study
  33. 进行调查 make an investigation
  34. 进行辩论 enter into a debate
  35. 进行选择 make one's option
  36. 进行针锋相对的斗争 wage a tit-for-tat struggle ...
  37. 进见 call on
  38. 进见之礼 a gift at the first meeting
  39. 进贡 pay tribute a surname
  40. 进贤举能 recommend properly qualified...
  41. 进货 stock with goods
  42. 进货付款利息 interest on payment for purc...
  43. 进货价格 prime cost
  44. 进货凭单 purchase voucher
  45. 进货分类帐 purchase ledger
  46. 进货员 buyer
  47. 进货成本 purchase cost
  48. 进货折让 purchase discounts and allow...
  49. 进货退出 purchase returns
  50. 进身之阶 stepping-stone

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