1. 贸易方式 methods of conducting trade
  2. 贸易是大多数现代国家的生命线 Trade is the lifeblood of mo...
  3. 贸易是我国的命脉 Trade is the lifeblood of ou...
  4. 贸易有利条件 trading advantages
  5. 贸易术语 trade terms
  6. 贸易机会 trade access
  7. 贸易条件 terms of trade
  8. 贸易条例 trade regulations
  9. 贸易条约 commercial treaty
  10. 贸易格局 pattern of trade
  11. 贸易歧视 trade discrimination
  12. 贸易汇率 commercial rate
  13. 贸易法 trade laws
  14. 贸易洽谈 trade talks
  15. 贸易清算帐户 commercial clearing account
  16. 贸易渠道 trade channels
  17. 贸易港 trading port
  18. 贸易用语 trade terms
  19. 贸易盈余 trade surplus
  20. 贸易禁运 commercial embargo
  21. 贸易立国 carry out national construct...
  22. 贸易管制 trade control
  23. 贸易经济 trade economy
  24. 贸易统计 statistics of trade
  25. 贸易自由 freedom to trade
  26. 贸易自由化 trade liberalization
  27. 贸易草约 trade protocol
  28. 贸易规约 trade discipline
  29. 贸易议定书 trade protocol
  30. 贸易谈判 trade negotiation
  31. 贸易货栈 trading warehouses
  32. 贸易资本流动 trade capital movement
  33. 贸易赤字 trade deficit
  34. 贸易路线 trade route
  35. 贸易转向 trade diversion
  36. 贸易逆差 unfavourable trade balance
  37. 贸易部 board of trade
  38. 贸易量 trade volume
  39. 贸易限制 trade restrictions
  40. 贸易限制作用 trade-restrictive effect
  41. 贸易集团 trade bloc
  42. 贸易项目 trade account
  43. 贸易顺差 favourable balance of trade
  44. 贸易额 volume of trade
  45. 贸然 rashly
  46. 贸然下结论 draw a hasty conclusion
  47. 贸然改变计划 change the plan hastily
  48. 贸然行事 go off the deep end
  49. 贸然行动 act rashly
  50. 贸然说出 speak out precipitately

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