1. 足以守成 good enough to carry on
  2. 足以糊口 enough to keep body and soul...
  3. 足以自慰 comfort oneself
  4. 足以自豪 enough to make oneself proud
  5. 足以致命 may be fatal.
  6. 足以证明 suffice to show that...
  7. 足印 footmark
  8. 足印鉴定 footprint identification
  9. 足吃足喝 eat and drink to one's heart...
  10. 足坛 football world
  11. 足够 enough
  12. 足底 pelma
  13. 足强 Zu Qiang
  14. 足智多谋 wise and full of stratagems
  15. 足月 born after the normal period...
  16. 足月妊娠 full-term pregnancy
  17. 足月而生 In the fullness of time was ...
  18. 足球 football ball game
  19. 足球义赛 benefit football match
  20. 足球健将 top-notch footballer
  21. 足球名将 a soccer hero
  22. 足球场 football field
  23. 足球场上你争我夺 Each scrambled for the footb...
  24. 足球教练 football coach
  25. 足球比赛 football match
  26. 足球联赛 league football matches
  27. 足球赛 football match a surname
  28. 足球运动员 footballer
  29. 足球迷 football fan
  30. 足球队 football team
  31. 足球队的明星球员 star players of a soccer tea...
  32. 足球队长 the captain of a football te...
  33. 足癣 athlete's foot
  34. 足色 of standard purity
  35. 足衣足食 have no shortage of foot and...
  36. 足见 it serves to show
  37. 足见这种意见是不对的 It does show that such opini...
  38. 足谋寡断 resourceful but irresolute
  39. 足赤 pure gold
  40. 足迹 footmark
  41. 足金 pure gold
  42. 足针 foot acupuncture therapy
  43. 足银 pure silver
  44. 足龄 full age
  45. lie on one's stomach
  46. 趴在地上打靶 lie on the ground for target...
  47. 趴架 collapse
  48. spring forth
  49. 趵突泉 Spouting Spring
  50. wholesale

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