1. 富翁 man of wealth
  2. 富而不骄 rich but not proud
  3. 富而好礼 rich but good-mannered
  4. 富而无骄 rich but not smug
  5. 富营养 eutrophy
  6. 富营养化 eutrophia
  7. 富营养化监测 eutrophication monitoring
  8. 富营养湖 eutrophic lake
  9. 富裕 prosperous
  10. 富裕中农 well-to-do middle peasants
  11. 富裕地区 areas of well-being
  12. 富裕家庭 wealthy family
  13. 富裕容量 surplus capacity
  14. 富裕热 excess of heat
  15. 富豪 rich and powerful people
  16. 富豪民主 plutodemocracy
  17. 富贵 riches and honour
  18. 富贵不能淫 Neither riches nor honours c...
  19. 富贵利达 rich and powerful
  20. 富贵勿移 No riches or honours would m...
  21. 富贵在天 Wealth and rank are matters ...
  22. 富贵寿考 rank,wealth and long life
  23. 富贵浮云 regard honour and riches as ...
  24. 富贵荣华 riches,honour and splendor
  25. 富贵逼人 be made wealthy and powerful...
  26. 富贵骄人 Riches and honour make a per...
  27. 富起来 become better-off
  28. 富足 plentiful
  29. 富足前置条件 liberal pre-condition
  30. 富辰 Fu Chen
  31. 富队 well-off collectives
  32. 富集 beneficiation
  33. 富饶 richly endowed
  34. 富饶的土地 fertile land
  35. sleep
  36. 寐月 the third month of the lunar...
  37. 寐而不睡 lie down but not sleep
  38. 寒下 cold purgation
  39. 寒不可支 unbearably cold
  40. 寒不择衣 A cold man is not choosy abo...
  41. 寒人心胆 make one's blood cold
  42. 寒从中生 endogenous cold formation
  43. 寒假 winter vacation
  44. 寒光闪闪 glittered like frost and sno...
  45. 寒冬 chilly winter
  46. 寒冬腊月 severe winter
  47. 寒冬黑夜 It was a dark night in the d...
  48. 寒冷 cold
  49. 寒冷彻骨 be chilled to the marrow
  50. 寒冷的夜晚 a chill night

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