1. 富人 rich man rich
  2. 富人不知穷人苦 He whose belly is full belie...
  3. 富余 have more than needed
  4. 富兰克林的实验表明闪电是一种放电 Franklin's experiments showe...
  5. 富养植物 eutrophic plant
  6. 富养沼泽 eutrophic swamp
  7. 富农 rich peasant
  8. 富商 wealthy merchant
  9. 富国利民 enrich the state and bring b...
  10. 富国强兵 make the country rich and it...
  11. 富国裕民 enrich the state and the peo...
  12. 富在知足 Wealth lies in contentment.
  13. 富士山 Fujiyama
  14. 富士山形态优美 Mt. Fuji has a graceful shap...
  15. 富宜 a surname
  16. 富宜尚 Fuyi Shang
  17. 富家 rich family
  18. 富庶 rich and populous
  19. 富庶的山村 a prosperous village
  20. 富强 prosperous and strong
  21. 富强康乐之堀 attain prosperity,strength a...
  22. 富日子当穷日子过 Though we could have lived q...
  23. 富有 rich
  24. 富有代表性 typical
  25. 富有成效 be fruitful
  26. 富有战斗性 very militant
  27. 富有朝气 be full of vigour and vitali...
  28. 富有朝气的青年 young people full of vigour
  29. 富有机智 be full of resource
  30. 富有竞争力 highly competitive
  31. 富有经验 rich in experience
  32. 富有营养 be rich in nutrition
  33. 富有诗意的景色 a poetical landscape
  34. 富有远见 full of farsightedness
  35. 富有韧性 with tenacity
  36. 富有魅力 seductive
  37. 富有魅力的领袖 a charismatic leader
  38. 富民兴邦 rejuvenate the country and e...
  39. 富民政策 policy to enrich the people
  40. 富水土壤 water ground
  41. 富水性 watery
  42. 富油 rich oil
  43. 富油开关 bulk-oil breaker
  44. 富油面团 paste
  45. 富源 natural resources
  46. 富父 a surname
  47. 富父槐 Fufu Huai
  48. 富甲天下 the richest in the world
  49. 富矿 rich ore
  50. 富矿石 high-grade ore

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